Day Log: Days 6-10

Here’s my list of excuses:

I was sick. I went to the library to write Saturday, and managed to run my errands to finish my residency application. And then I was so burned out I slept on the couch for the rest of the day. Sunday I had no voice. I went to the craft store with my roommate to find things my mom had requested for my visit home this weekend), and we had an entertaining day of me trying to pantomime things to her, and making very angry noises at her

Monday and yesterday was a combination of sick and I’m still on overtime. Today is still overtime. I’m feeling pretty good about my work. I got some real compliments from my supervisor today, which made me happy. (He also complimented me on not saying sorry for my mistakes. Go me, I guess!)

Some other things happened too, with raises and contracts, which I’ll talk about tomorrow. I’m still sick. It’s this changing weather! It keeps bouncing between the 20’s and the single digits. It would probably help if I slept more, too, but overtime. I need the money.

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